Wholesale leather purses are a great way to offer a wide selection of on-trend bags at competitive prices for your retail store or online business. Before you buy, however, make sure that you’re working with a reputable and experienced supplier. Look for testimonials and reviews to ensure that you’re getting the best quality for the most affordable price.
One of the most important things to look for when purchasing wholesale handbags is the type of leather used to make them. A quality leather bag will be made with a full-grain piece of leather, which is much more durable than split or fake leather. The texture of the leather should be smooth and even, with no bumps or lumps. It should also be supple to the touch. Another key indicator of quality is the way that the bag is put together. Cheaper bags tend to have simpler construction, which is fine if you’re looking for durability but not if you want a high-end leather bag that will last for years.
The edges of a high-quality leather bag should be clean-finished, meaning that they’ve been sanded and rubbed down to remove any roughness. This is a time-consuming process, and it’s a good indication of the care that went into making the bag.
Finally, you should also pay attention to the hardware used in a leather bag. The d-rings, buckles and rivets should be solid brass or a similar material that won’t rust over time. They should be properly sized to accommodate the weight and capacity of the bag, and they should have clean casting lines with no cracks or scratches. wholesale leather purses