Did you know that ADHD supplements and vitamins really can help to combat the associated symptoms of ADHD? A number of studies have shown that alternative treatments can be hugely beneficial for the child or adult who has been diagnosed with this very common mental disorder. Alternative treatments have enjoyed a consistent rise in popularity over the last few decades thanks in large part to the fact that they are safer and there are no harmful side effects to have to contend with. The controversy surrounding ADHD medications like Ritalin and Adderall have prompted more and more people, experts among them, to look to alternative ways of treating the symptoms of ADHD.
Sometimes alternative treatments are used in conjunction with standard ADHD medications. Despite this, many parents are choosing to leave standard ADHD drugs as a last resort after they have tried alternative treatments and remedies first. As with routinely prescribed ADHD drugs, not all alternative treatments are going to produce noticeable improvements in the child’s behavior. Many people do not know that roughly ten percent of children on ADHD medications do not exhibit any improvement whatsoever. The same must be said of alternative treatments. While some children do show very noticeable improvements others do not. The real difference is that alternative treatments do not produce unpleasant or dangerous side effects the way that standard ADHD medications do.
That being said it is very important to understand that there are some remedies that are punted for being the answer to ADHD. These are not always safe. It is vital that parents understand the treatment or remedy as well as the way in which it works so that they can make informed decisions about the treatment that their child receives. When it comes to vitamins and ADHD supplements one must bear in mind that just because it is natural it does not automatically follow that these are safe. Before you start your child on any such medication or remedy be sure to discuss it fully with your child’s mental health expert or doctor.
What vitamins and supplements are safe and which are not?
There have been a number of studies that suggest that kids with ADHD actually have a deficiency when it comes to zinc. Science has looked into this and discovered that zinc supplements can help to improve the symptoms of ADHD in kids, especially for those who took the supplement in conjunction with their ADHD meds. Evidence also suggests that fish oil can be beneficial. This is because it contains omega-3 fatty acids which greatly benefit mental ability and skills. For the ADHD child this can help them to be more organized. Introduce fish like Salmon, Albacore Tuna, Herring, Mackerel, Sardines, etc. to your child’s diet or alternatively, do so using a supplement.
You might have heard that another ADHD supplement that is proving to be good for helping depression and anxiety, as well as sleep problems, is St. John’s Wort. Studies into the efficacy of this have not proven to be conclusive, however. In fact, in one study, kids were divided into two groups. One group was given St. John’s Wort and the other group was given a placebo. After two months, the kids were no different, whether they had taken the placebo or the real thing.
There are some who believe that nutritional supplements can really help to benefit the ADHD child’s behavior and symptoms because these are lacking in the child’s diet. One such supplement is iron. Some studies confirm that ADHD children do have an iron deficiency but is it safe to provide such a supplement? Remember that too much iron is actually toxic and can even prove to be deadly. Make sure that you confer with the child’s doctor regarding an iron deficiency before you give them an iron supplement. You need to exercise the same caution and restraint when it comes to large doses of vitamins and minerals. Toxicity is always a possibility, especially if the child is on standard ADHD meds.
It is true that certain supplements and vitamins can be beneficial for the ADHD child when it comes to managing the symptoms and behaviors of the disorder. The one thing that must be remembered at all times however is that it is safer to err on the side of caution. Be sure that you discuss any supplements you wish to introduce to your child with his or her doctor beforehand. vyvanse 30 mg coupon