I’m sure that if you’re a fan of MMA, that you’ve had this discussion or conversation with someone you know at least once or twice. Is MMA really too dangerous and should it be legalized? If you’re an MMA fan, the answer is obvious. It should be legalized, because it is a valid sport and it is in fact safer than boxing or other more popular fighting sports out there.
Yes there are more dangerous weapons to use against your opponent in the ring/ octagon, but it is still safer than boxing. Here’s why: in boxing, you are continuously bombarded with punches to the head. There have been more deaths in boxing while there is not even a handful in the whole history of MMA. Yes it has only been around for a short period of time, but the record still stands.
Another key factor to MMA being safer is the fact that the athletes can give up at any time they wish to give up. They can tap, if they are too tired, too weak, or in a dangerous position to continue. Although most will not tap until it is too late, more and more athletes are getting smarter and tapping before they get too injured.
They know that they have to be healthy enough to keep getting fights and to keep competing. The referees involved in this sport, I find are very good and attentive as well. Fights are stopped when needed to be, and they are very attentive and never seem to neglect paying attention to the fights. Thaiboxning